Creative Energies:
You can look up what bile is composed and see that its physical components are byproducts. The gallbladder tissue is exposed to compounds and medicines. It is fallacious to assert that creative energy can cure gallstones. What you do when you engage your joy, your passion, your energy, your faith in a vast supportive universe of energy, is move yourself around. You make, you write, you dance, you make love, you see people, you dream, and you are active physically above all. My theory is that this is vital to curing the dysfunction. My list of the activities that helped cure me:
Took three stones to the city watch tower and smashed them while yelling, singing, chanting.
Joined a soccer team and played
Began a blog to track my food choices in conjunction with my emotions
Stopped doing massage therapy which drain the solar plexus region and went to work on myself
Began an Anusara yoga practice
Began a belly dancing practice
Handmade books of my poetry
Make paper regularly out of old bills and flowers
Developed a practice of gratitude, burning sage and repeating what I am grateful for
Started recording dreams
Taught spanish to kids in elementary school for a year
Gave birth
Learned about Feng Shui and started moving all the objects around me, to include the blockages, and clutter into a state of energized conscious placement
Began working in a community garden plot and started growing herbs and vegetables
Began editing a film project on body painting and healing
Working as a production assistant for a documentary on artists with mental illness