So I ate today:
Olive oil, radishes beautiful red outsides with crisp white insides, stirfried in garlic and ginger and topped with strawberry flavored flax seed oil. If my gallbladder would like its job back, I am now hiring.
One gallbladder willing to aid in the digestion of:
healthy oils
experience emulsifying fats required
confidence in working well with livers
able to maintain adequate bile flow
able to stimulate the release of other necessary digestive enzymes as necessary
capable of working with toxins excreted from the liver.
I mediatated on letting past bitterness and disappointment leave my body to make room for self-love and optimism. I drank olive oil and lemon and went to bed. Nothing significant seemed to pass from me physically but I feel happier today. I decided to eat radishes and again I mediatated on the same thoughts of letting bittterness go, and letting optimism in. I savored the flavors and I closed my eyes, chewing slowly. I imagined my gallbladder working properly.
Although the raw pain from Saturday night has not returned, I know that a huge imbalance in the amount of Estrogen in my body from coming off of the MIRENA I.U.D. may have been to blame. The body often reacts to losing the fake hormones by producing a veritable shit-ton. And...often Estrogen imbalances cause gallstones. I have to say I saw it in the warning labels. Why does this happen? See the linked scholarly article. The nuclei of gallbladder cells have receptor sites for hormones related to reproduction. It makes sense. The breakdown of fats will be affected by pregnancy. So.....too much estrogen may affect an overabundance of unused bile that ends up hanging around and creating particulates. Perhaps the particulates aggregate eh? So one must USE THE BILE!!! It is not the first time I realized things can happen to me. God. I am still amazed by people rushing off to try new brain chemistry altering drugs. They must know that the effects are all quite unknown. What I would like to know can one stabilize the gallbladder and cause stones to dissolve? I have to say that I have alot of faith in this method. My real feelings are optimistic. Eating the radishes I felt a warm sensation in my stomach and I am hoping that the olive oil and flax seed oil are going to stimulate a little healthy action. The "malpasos" or improper eating habits will be replaced by an even greater consciousness of intake. My stomach is now asking for more food, or at least I can feel movement and warmth. I will conceive of more food to help the liver and the gallbladder. The two are intimately connected and I have no desire to ruin such a relationship. The poor liver must also have enjoyed the two and a half day apple juice fast. Toxins in the liver go into the gall-bladder. SO....I have to feed the liver properly so it can give the gall-bladder a break.
I may just stay on the cleanse and only eat a few vegetables with light fats for a week. I don't want to go back to full fledged eating whatever, I have to bring in good healthiness every moment...and in every way...Obsessed much? I can slip up and read horoscopes only if i don't take them too seriously.
To clean livers!