
2 waters, 2 coffees, 2 beet leaf caper parsley sprout rolls

Breakfast for 1:

Balance and moderation are the key to liver and gallbladder health. I swear by this eternally. Bile was once a sign of anger. There was yellow and black bile. This word brings up the image of Othello seething at the mouth, his fierce moorish lust only toppled by his jealous foolish gut. Bile remains the underlying slow wrenching force of self-drowning eating of the earth all the days of your adamantine life. A dose of sugar and fat for the wish for love's eternity. Say it isn't so!!!! The freshest air could cure the deepest woe. Trouble is we run to oases thinking that they could be a place to bring our pain and so they are. Pain is dragged across the earth for want of an open window. So pray deeply to the god of epiphany for only she knows how to pry open those moments. Some turn to entheogens or drugs, but I turn inward in a different search to find those moments of change.

Here is what I had this morning.
2 waters
2 coffees
2 beet leaf wraps with sprouts and capers and a hint of parsley and a diced radish.

I feel so good this way. I swear.