
Useful unicorns like, I ate yesterday morning for breakfast

Did I really laugh at the piece of journalistic brilliance about "modern jackass moments" yesterday in the car? Why? It is about people all who are like me, who reach the limits of knowledge everyday. But it was also a satire, comparing the idiotic half-historical truths people spout, to belief in unicorns. I would like to say that there are a couple useful unicorns. the way I write about food and its impact on my whole being and my whole being's impact on my food choices is a 'useful unicorn.' Let me explain the NPR story.
The story begins elegantly, in some other country. The commentator is recounting how a couple of friends are walking through this amazing old building and then one of their friends starts saying that it is built in the Moorish style. Of course once questioned about that style, it is implied that there is really little-to-no understanding beyond that point. I laughed, but even though the stories became more rediculous like the story of a woman who still believed in unicorns until a casual party conversation in her twenties, I think it is actually sad. I laughed but in defense of all humans, I believe that we all know much more than we can say. I believe we all can know more but other things stand in our way to remembering. The story was funny and sad and has very little to do with food but has to do with memory and knowledge. It has to do with ignorance. That is the only reason why it is a relevant topic.

That is what this blog is about. I feel like science has not quite said what needs to be said about food and emotions.
I believe yesterday's toast, once eaten with yesterday's omelette, brought up the first feeling of anger and sadness of the day before. I believe that the potion of existence we have been drinking has utterly changed. Reality has been repaved, and we are now much more able to eat and know but we haven't learned how to deal with it yet. There has always been too much to know, and we have always been consuming and flooding ourselves. Now abstention, and rejection of food, as well as clear digestion of information is important. I didn't eat anything else yet. Yesterday's breakfast waits for interpretation. This blog is about food. It is about food and knowledge.

Smooth Move Tea
four buttered slices of wheat toast slightly burned from reheating. I coughed when the burned pieces hit my throat.
Some cheese and mushroom omelette from Joey's breakfast

I felt the first sadness of the day after I ate the food. It seems like I could seek out food that makes me feel extremely good. It also must be able to bring back very old memories and to help in the development of character. Can food do all this? Are all things connected to food? Are all things that you experience and think, also like food and also chose by the self?

I feel like when I chose to eat your breakfast again, I was choosing to feel closer to you, but to feel you with me and to feel the feelings that I felt yesterday. Does it matter that the food didn't have the feelings in it? I chose to feel yesterday. I CHOSE TO FEEL YESTERDAY. Try to eat with good feelings. So simple. So unrelated to architechture in Turkey. But if one wants to really be a "modern jackass" one is entitled to use the very mind they have; to push back against the onslaught from within and without. To discovering the best food for thought